How to Develop a Search Strategy for a Systematic Review?


Crafting a search strategy for a systematic review is a crucial step in gathering relevant information efficiently. In this beginner-friendly guide, we'll walk you through the process in easy-to-understand steps, accompanied by practical examples.

Step 1: Define Your Research Objectives Before you start searching, it's essential to clarify what you aim to achieve with your systematic review. What specific questions are you trying to answer? Let's consider an example: You want to explore the effectiveness of mindfulness techniques in reducing stress among healthcare professionals.

Example: Your research objective is to investigate whether mindfulness practices can help reduce stress levels among healthcare professionals.

Step 2: Identify Relevant Keywords Keywords are the backbone of your search strategy. These are the words and phrases that best describe your topic. Think about terms related to your research objective. For our example, relevant keywords might include "mindfulness," "stress," "healthcare professionals," and synonyms or related terms.

Example: Key terms such as "mindfulness," "stress," and "healthcare professionals" are crucial for refining your search.

Step 3: Select Suitable Databases Choosing the right databases is essential for accessing relevant literature. Consider databases that specialize in your research topic. For healthcare-related topics, PubMed and PsycINFO are popular choices.

Example: Databases like PubMed and PsycINFO are valuable resources for finding research articles in the healthcare field.

Step 4: Construct Effective Search Strings Crafting search strings involves combining keywords using logical operators like "AND" and "OR" to retrieve relevant results. Use parentheses to group related terms and ensure precision in your searches.

Example: A well-constructed search string for our example could be: ("mindfulness" OR "meditation") AND ("stress" OR "burnout") AND ("healthcare professionals" OR "medical staff").

Step 5: Refine Your Search Strategy Refining your search strategy involves applying filters to narrow down your results. Filters can include publication date, study type, language, and geographical location.

Example: You may choose to filter your results to include only articles published within the last five years, written in English, and focusing on healthcare professionals in the United States.

Step 6: Document Your Search Process Keeping track of your search process is essential for transparency and reproducibility. Maintain a search log documenting the databases searched, search strings used, and any applied filters.

Example: Create a search log detailing the databases queried, search terms employed, and filters applied, along with the date of the search.

Conclusion: Crafting a search strategy for your systematic review doesn't have to be overwhelming. By following these straightforward steps and examples, you can develop an effective search strategy tailored to your research objectives. Remember to choose relevant keywords, utilize appropriate databases, and refine your search strategy as needed. Happy searching!

Keywords: search strategy, systematic review, meta-analysis, databases.

Mohamed A.Abu Elainein

Mohamed Abu Elainein, a final year Medical Student at Ain Shams University, is passionate about research and healthcare innovation. He actively participates in research groups and has been involved with a medical caravan research team providing free healthcare to underserved communities in Egypt. Mohamed's main interest lies in Regenerative Medicine, and he is currently working on a Systematic Review within this field. Additionally, Mohamed is enthusiastic about implementing digital health solutions such as mobile applications and telemedicine platforms to enhance healthcare accessibility and quality. He aspires to become a top-tier doctor, driven by a vision of improving health outcomes and reducing disparities in healthcare delivery.

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